I love that they try to hide behind disarming people in DV situations might disarm women who could supposedly protect themselves if their partner threatens them. Except that’s not how it plays out. I thought about Marissa Alexander, amongst many other women, who are then criminalized for defending themselves.

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Yes, great point. Women who defend themselves are regularly prosecuted and punished.

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So long as a society gives a group of people the power to arrest other people, this will keep happening. Retraining, higher standards, more funding (the Bernie Sanders solution), and even legislation regulating the activities of police forces will do little or nothing to change the basic fact of the purpose of policing: as the arm of the state restraining the working class in the interests of capital. Domestic violence is simply unimportant to that.

For solutions without police, see https://transformharm.org/

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"The one thing I will say is that family court is generally horrible. It’s unorganized. Most people don’t have attorneys and they don’t understand the law and what is required. These sorts of systemic issues, which I have never seen anyone address, do create a sense of disorder in a system that is supposed to protect children and families."

Worked in family court for 10 years. THIS is why all parties should have assigned counsel. If your 'life, liberty, and property' is entitled to due process, why not your family and children? I'd also argue for uniform family law among counties and states to prevent more favorable forum shopping.

However, there will always be people who lie and attempt to use family court as a means to punish the other party. Rich men trying to replace wife #1 and mother of their children with a new spouse, shady prenups, nosy girlfriends pushing their friend to claim abuse to get custody of the kids, etc. It's human nature and family court is an imperfect, human-created, adversarial system.

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My mother was mudered by my father three weeks after the court system failed to make a decision about whether or not to allow the divorce to be granted after he beat her and broke her arm.

When does it end? This happened in 1970.

The same thing goes on to this day.

When I read about Shelby Lynn and Allison Moore back in the eighties I realized that this will not ever end because the court system failed and failed and will continue to fail!

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